
Ratings consist of opinions about the issuers’ ability to honor their financial commitments, such as payment of interest and principal within the stipulated period.

Credit ratings indicate the likelihood of issuers failing to make payments.

Information published on the website is regularly updated. Due to the nature of certain published information, it may rapidly become out-of-date. Users should note that the information contained in this section may be out-of-date, thereby not reflecting the Company’s current conditions.

Agency Rating Type Last Revision
Fitch B, Watch Negative Local Currency May 23, 2024
Standard & Poor’s B, Watch Negative Local Currency May 31, 2024
FIX Scr A-py, Sensitive Trend May 29, 2024
B1, Stable Outlook Corporate Family Rating July 13, 2023
Agency Rating Previous Rating Last Revision
Sustainalytics ESG Risk 32 42.3 June 22, 2023